Ale lovers at The Ilchester Arms in Symondsbury were delighted to win 72 pints of Palmers Best Bitter. Bridport-based Palmers held a contest in support of National Cask Ale Week to see which of their pubs could sign up the most visitors for a brewery tour. The winning pub won a firkin of Best Bitter.
READ THIS ARTICLEPalmers Brewery of Bridport is celebrating winning a bronze award for Tally Ho! in the Strong Bitters class at the SIBA South West Region Beer Competition 2010. The event was held at Tuckers Maltings, Newton Abbot, where 74 South West brewers entered 344 cask ales.
READ THIS ARTICLEPalmers Brewery in Bridport has been awarded the maximum five-star rating for excellent food safety and hygiene. All food premises in West Dorset are inspected and awarded an overall score from five stars (the best) to no stars (the worst).
READ THIS ARTICLEJohn Palmer, managing director of Palmers Brewery, met members of the Save the Three Cups Group as part of the ongoing consultation process for the former Lyme Regis hotel. ‘The discussions were positive and amicable. I am very pleased to be working with the community to build an economically viable future for the site.
READ THIS ARTICLESave the Three Cups as a Hotel steering group chairman John Dover and committee member Rikey Austin met Palmers Brewery representatives this week as part of the ongoing consultation process into the future of the former Three Cups Hotel in Lyme Regis.
READ THIS ARTICLEA contest to find the South West’s champion bottled beer is being overseen this week by Palmers’ head brewer Darren Batten. Four of Palmers’ own bottled beers are among the 153 brews entered for the Society of Independent Brewers Association SW Bottled Beer Competition 2010.
READ THIS ARTICLEThe Market House opens on Wednesday March 10, offering the ideal place to wine, dine and relax in Bridport. The West Street pub has undergone significant investment that has sympathetically restored the property to its full glory. It will appeal to customers who appreciate Palmers’ cask ales and wines, as well as great food.